TRA Services

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Telecom Licensing

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Telecom Authorizations

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Postal License

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Consumer Compliant

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Telecom service providers' Portal

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Licensing regime

Types of Licenses

Under the Telecoms Act (Article 20) it is mandatory for all persons or companies who wish to establish or operate a telecommunications system, or provide telecommunications services, to obtain a license from the TRA in advance of starting operations.

The TRA has undertaken a project to review the regulations and framework to ensure they stay in line with the Sultanate’s policies, technological and regulatory developments and market needs.   more

Schedule of Licensing Fees for the Provision of Telecommunications Services

First: Class I Licenses

Licensing and Renewal Fees (OMR) Service Type
35000 Establishing or Operating Telecommunication System or Infrastructure for the Provision of Local Wireline Fixed Public Telecommunication Services (Copper Lines and Fiber Optic).
20000 Establishing or Operating Telecommunication System or Infrastructure for the Provision of International Telecommunication Services.
40000 Establishing or Operating Telecommunication System or Infrastructure for the Provision of Local Wireline Fixed Public Telecommunication Services and International Telecommunication Services. 

Second: Class II Licenses

Licensing and Renewal Fees (OMR) Service Type
10000 Provision of Additional Public Telecommunication Services by Exploiting a Capacity of Telecommunication Network of Class I Licensees. 

Third: Class III Licenses

Licensing and Renewal Fees (OMR) Service Type
10000 Establishing or Operating Private Telecommunication Network or Providing Private Telecommunication Services. 

Licensees and services provided currently

Licensees and services provided currently
Service/System exmpted from Licensing

Services exempted from licenses

According to Article 21 of the Telecommunications Regulatory Law, the following services and systems are exempted from licensing requirements, but they are subject to other regulatory requirements according to the following schedule:

Service/System exmpted from LicensingOther Regulatroy Requirement
1Mobile Services on the Board of the AirplanesRegulation Organizing the Registration and Utilization of Frequencies and Radio Equipment and their pricing 
2Re-provision World Wide Web (Internet) Access Service provision in Public Places (like internet Café)Decision 48/2016
3Call CenterDecision 47/2016
4Voice or Video Studio Broadcast Via satellite of bothRegulation Organizing the Registration and Utilization of Frequencies and Radio Equipment and their pricing 
5Web Based Services
6Autmated System for Vehicle Management ServicesDecision 80/2013
7Private Network for Personal use not Connected to Public Telecommuncation NetworkDecision 18/2015 + Regulation Organizing the Registration and Utilization of Frequencies and Radio Equipment and their pricing 
8Utlization of Passive InfrastructureDecision 60/2014

Competition frame work

Market liberalization aims at introducing and encouraging competition. The competitive process is then expected to bring about improved market outcomes in terms of prices and quality of service. Alongside market liberalization, it is imperative that essential safeguards are put in place against potential anti-competitive conduct by the market players, especially the dominant operators. With the development of the telecommunications market, the Authority’s role in maintaining healthy competitive environment acquires higher importance.
In line with the objective of creating and maintaining a sustainable competitive environment in Oman, the TRA has framed the competition framework comprising regulations and guidelines to address competition issues on ex-ante and ex-post basis aiming at structuring the regulatory interventions in the telecom market in view of making the telecom market conducive to innovation and investment. It is expected that putting such framework in place would contribute towards enhancing regulatory certainty, increasing the confidence of both existing market players and potential new players by improving predictability and transparency of future regulatory interventions.
The regulatory interventions are generally classified into two types; ex-ante regulation is anticipatory intervention. Ex-ante regulation uses specified controls to prevent anti-competitive conduct or abuses of dominant operators resulting undesirable actions or outcomes in markets. The regulatory Authority establishes rules, regulations, frameworks and guidelines, within which market players operate. Ex-ante regulation is designed to encourage and safeguard competition. The second type is ex-post regulatory interventions. These are measures through which anti-competitive instances are addressed. Upon detecting anti-competitive practice, through observation or receipt of complaints, investigations and analysis are carried out, and appropriate corrective measures are taken. TRA issued both Ex -Ante and Ex -Post Regulations under Decisions Number (69/2012) and (70/2013) respectively.First public consultation position statement and response to comments.
Service Overview


Service Consumer Rights

Consumer Rights

Service Consumer Complaints

Consumer Complaints

Service Consumer Awareness

Consumer Awareness

Service Service

Telecom Licenses

Service Service

Type Approval Portal

Service Service

Spectrum Portal

Service Service

Oman Domain name Registry

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Telecom Authorizations

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Post License

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Consumer Complaint

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Market Information

Sector Indicators

Telecom Sector
Spectrum Sector
Postal Sector
Oman Map


Mobile Broadband Penetration



Fixed Broadband Penetration


5.58 GBs

Average MBB usage (GB)


304.19 GBs

Average FBB usage (GB)



Express postal services

International incoming
International outbound



Traditional postal services

International incoming
International outbound
