
& Regulations 

TitlePost Date
Ex ante Regulations & Guidelines for Market Definition and Dominance [Market Definition and Dominance Guidelines] 16/07/2020
112/2009 Regulation on Accounting Separation, Regulatory Accounting & Reporting Requirements [
112/2009 Regulation on Accounting Separation, Regulatory Accounting & Reporting Requirements [
153/2008 On Establishing & Operating Private Network Not Connected to the Public Network for the Personal Utilization [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The Executive Regulation of the Act issued by the Ministerial Resolution No. 10/2007 and ] 16/07/2020
133/2008 Issuing the regulation organizing the registration and usage of frequencies and radio equipment and their pricing [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The Executive Regulation of the Act issued by the Ministerial Decision No. 10/2007 and ] 16/07/2020
166/2007 On the regulation of Internet services provision in commercial outlets & public places [The application of the provisions of this Resolution, the terms and expressions contained herein shall have the same meanings as provided in the Telecommunications Regulatory Act, whereas the following terms and expressions ] 16/07/2020
17/2007 Rules & Guidelines for Class II License Application to provide Additional Public Telecommunications Services [Ministerial Decision NO. 17/2007 On issuing of Rules & Guidelines for Class II License Application to provide Additional Public Telecommunications Services ] 16/07/2020
Universal Service Implementation Policy [The communications sector in Oman has already been partially liberalised and is in the process of being fully liberalised. However, even in the presence of effective competition some areas of the country are unlikely to be provided with all desirable communications services on a commercial basis so that measures need to be taken to ensure the universal provision of communications services. ] 16/07/2020
Liberalization Policies [In accordance with the provisions of Article (3) of the Telecommunications regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002, the Minister of Transport and Communications entrusted to set the general policy for ] 16/07/2020
Ex post Regulations & Guidelines [] 16/07/2020
Ex post Regulations & Guidelines [
TRA Decision No. 50/2018 [Background of TRA Decision 50/2018 ] 16/07/2020
TRA Decision No. 50/2018 [ TRA Decision No. 50/2018 ] 16/07/2020
Decision No. 59/2020 amending some provisions on Decision No. 70/2013 on Ex-post Regulations (Anti–competitive Behavior) 16/07/2020
142/2011 Issuance of Access Deficit Contribution Guideline 16/07/2020
133/2008 on Amendments of Some provisions of the Resolution No 133/2008 issuing Regulation Organizing the Registration and Usage of Frequencies and Radio Equipment and Their Pricing and Amendments of some Provisions of the Attached Regulation 16/07/2020
Terms & Conditions for the Provision of Public Basic Voice Telecommunication Service via Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) 16/07/2020
Regulation on Premium Rate Services 16/07/2020
Domain Names Regulation Framework 16/07/2020
Determining the Registrar and the Registration Fees of Domain Names fees under Domain .om & عمان 16/07/2020