
& Regulations 

TitlePost Date
123/2010 Amending some of the Provisions of the Regulation Organizing the Registration and the Utilization of Radio Frequencies and Equipment and their Pricing issued by Decision NO 133/2008 [Amending some of the Provisions of the Regulation Organizing the Registration and the Utilization of Radio Frequencies and Equipment and their Pricing issued by Decision NO 133/2008] 01/12/2010
95/2010 Amending Class I License of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.C) for Installation and Operation of a Fixed Public Telecommunications System [Resolution No. 95/2010: Amending Class I License of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.C) for Installation and Operation of a Fixed Public Telecommunications System] 07/09/2010
94/2010 Amending Class I License of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.C) for the Provision of Basic Mobile Public Telecommunications Services [Amending Class I License of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.C) for the Provision of Basic Mobile Public Telecommunications Services ] 07/09/2010
67/2010 Issuing Service Price Control Regulation for Licensees providing Public Telecommunications Service in Specific Geographical Areas [Issuing Service Price Control Regulation for Licensees providing Public Telecommunications Service in Specific Geographical Areas ] 15/06/2010
51/2010 Amending Class I License of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.C) for the Provision of Basic Mobile Public Telecommunications Services [Resolution No. 50/2010 Amending Class I License of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.C) for the Provision of Basic Mobile Public Telecommunications Services] 17/04/2010
114/2009 Amending Some Provisions of Resolution NO 8/2008 on Dealing with Telecommunications Activities [Resolution No. 114/2009 Amending Some Provisions of Resolution NO 8/2008 on Dealing with Telecommunications Activities ] 15/12/2009
113/2009 Regulations on Protection of the Confidentiality and Privacy of Beneficiary Data [Resolution No. 113/2009 issuing Regulations on Protection of the Confidentiality and Privacy of Beneficiary Data ] 15/12/2009
78/2009 Local Loop Unbundling Regulations [Decision No. 78/2009 Local Loop Unbundling Regulations ] 15/09/2009
5/2009 On the amendment of certain provisions of Resolution No. 8/2008 on dealing in Telecommunications activities [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and] 01/02/2009
152/2008 Formation& Regulating the Work Of Settlements Committees [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The Executive Regulations issued by Resolution No. 10/2007 and The approval of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority obtained on 18th November 2008 and ] 15/12/2008
151/2008 On Service Provider Liability, and Limitations on Liability for Online Material [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The Royal Decree No (17/2005) Issuing Class I license of the Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company for the Provision of Basic Mobile Public Telecommunications Services and] 01/12/2008
113/2008 Procedures and Rules Regulating the Promotional Offers of Telecommunications Services [Promotional Offers are the offers intending to or resulting in the encouragement of the use of telecommunications services, whether direct or indirect] 15/09/2008
90/2008 Regulating the licensing of Stations and Radio Equipment Operation [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The Executive Regulation of the Act issued by the Ministerial Resolution No. 10/2007 and] 15/07/2008
37/2008 Rules for importing, exporting, re-exporting and usage of Encryption Systems and Equipment [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The Executive Regulation of the Act referred to, issued by the Ministerial Decision No. 10/2007 and] 01/04/2008
200/2007 On the amendment of some of the provisions od decision No.81/2007 on Fees of Telecom Numbers [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the RoyalDecree No. 30/2002 and The Executive Regulation of the Act issued by the Ministerial Decision No. 10/2007 and] 01/01/2008
69/2007 On the delay in issuing bills relating to licensed telecommunications services [A Licensee providing telecommunications services may not issueany bill for the consumption value of any of these services after six months have passed since the date when such service was provided. ] 01/05/2007
83/2007 Determining Fees of Short Codes for Short Message Services [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The approval of the Ministry of Finance conveyed by its letter No. Finance-T(11877)/MTD/6/3/11894 and ] 01/05/2007
83/2007 Determining Fees of Short Codes for Short Message Services [] 01/05/2007
82/2007 Determining Fees of Telecommunications Codes [Pursuant to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued by the Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and The approval of the Ministry of Finance conveyed by its letter No. Finance-T(11877)/MTD/6/3/11894 and] 01/05/2007
82/2007 Determining Fees of Telecommunications Codes [] 01/05/2007